Yesterday I was on my usual walk with my 1 year old Golden Retriever Bohdan (Bo-den). My husband and I live in a condo downtown, so of course, we walk Bohdan on our regular route all along the streets of the city. Bohdan has become some what of a mini celebrity in our town. Most people now know his name. They are always telling us how cute he is. At least once a week someone will whip out their camera phone to take his picture. They giggle and laugh, and with out a doubt, every single person who sees Bohdan walking down the street at the very least... smiles.
Now you may be asking, "what is so special about this dog?" He is one of about 500 Golden Retrievers in this town. Why does everyone know his name, and why is he so much more adorable and appealing then the other Golden Retrievers, let alone dogs?
Well, I should probably let you know, EVERY time Bohdan goes on a walk with us he carries a stuffed animal in his mouth. Sometimes a duck, a squirrel, chipmunk, puppy, a Build-A-Bear (yes, i said Build-A-Bear), even an armadillo.

Now that you have a picture of an already cute puppy, looking so much more adorable with a stuffed animal hanging out of his mouth, with his big puppy eyes, you now understand why people pay attention to Bohdan. He catches your eye, he's different. The animal hanging out of his mouth as he trots down the sidewalk, past restaurants is unique, new, and quite appealing.
As I look at my business, I wonder...am I appealing? Does my business stand out? Are my designs unique and different and eye catching?
I realized that if I want to stand out from competitors and steal the show, I need to separate myself from the rest. Just like the difference between a regular golden retriever, and one with a giant Build-A-Bear dangling from his mouth, starring at you with big, lovable, puppy eyes!
Moral of the story: There is a reason people on the street know Bohdan's name, do the people on your street know your name?